This course starts with the barriers in studying culture. Because people and culture are so much intertwined, culture is a difficult research topic.

Secondly, you will learn how research on culture is done.

You then get a summary of the definitions of culture. Research mentions hundreds of them, each with their own angle. In the end we come up with the one on which all these lessons are based.

In the fourth part we take a look at concepts of culture. Concepts are more like a picture and may give you a better understanding of culture. Again, a choice is made that we use for all these courses.

This course discusses the work of five researchers in comparing national cultures. Their results give you a first impression of a national culture. A series of exercises will help you to determine what your own position is in the different dimensions that are used to compare national cultures.

However, you need to be aware that the results are based on averages, a construct. You will never meet a person who fits that average! At the same time averages hide the variations and do not include traditions and the like. Hence, the spice of culture may not be found in those studies. 

Surprisingly many people do not recognise the strategic importance of organisational culture, in particular in business. The costs in financial and human terms are neglected. HRM should take the lead. 

In this course you find an overview of what organisational culture is and how you may influence it. 

The body of knowledge in this field requires a full study and hence, a course like this is only highlighting the main points. However, a series of exercises give you an initial intuitive grasp.